, 防虫型门帘制作精细、产品光滑,里面添加了几种特殊贵重药物,对人体五毒无害,它的几大功能:一、它有效散发了驱蚊虫的特殊光波,使昆虫避而远之;二、车间使用防止灰尘侵入,还能保持车间内外温差,隔音、防风、挡紫外线;三、车间空调使用中它能有效的隔挡冷气,大量的节省电能25-30%;四、使用这种门帘和其它门、门帘不同,它能四向自由、人车出入方便、安全、快捷。广泛使用于;食品、饮料加工厂、生鲜处理中心、和各种防虫场所。贝尔软门帘为您的工作创造一个良好的环境,为您生产的优质产品奠下更结实的基础,为您的满意,超发人更加信心百倍的为您服务。 2, 防静电门帘产品光滑、柔软透明、无毒性,具有良好的防静电、抗静电、隔挡噪音、防尘、防风、防潮湿、防火难燃、隔挡冷气等功能,是当前国内外公认的最佳抗静电隔绝材料。产品广泛使用于电子、电器、制药、化工、 3, 冷库门帘制作精细、产品光滑、柔软、有良好的透明度,无毒性,它具有防风、防尘、防潮湿、隔音、防火难燃、隔挡冷气、暖气、耐酸碱等功能。一、使用空调它能有效的隔挡冷气流失,可以大量的节省电能25—30%。二、车间内部隔帘有效的防止灰尘侵入和飞杂物扩散。三、使用这种门帘它能四向自由、人车出入方便安全。此类型门帘广泛使用于电子、印刷、纺织、制衣、化工、塑胶、五金、机械、包装、制药、饲料厂、仓库、商场、饭店、银行、车站、码头等符合卫生作业场所。贝尔软门帘为您的工作创造一个良好的环境,为您生产的优质产品奠下更结实的基础,为您的满意,贝尔人更加信心百倍的为您服务。 纺织、制衣、印刷、食品、酒店、无菌室等企业无尘净化10—100万级洁净工业厂房。 4, 防紫外线门帘可以作为焊接榕接区、机器隔门屏幕,防止火花、烟气、碎屑、焊渣的飞扬扩散,防止火灾发生,能有效阻挡紫外线的射入,保护人体健康,而且还具有良好的隔挡噪音效果,使车间工作得到更洁净、更舒适的环境。产品广泛用于电子厂、电器、纺织厂、印刷厂、五金、机械厂、焊接车间、等各企业简易厂房的内外使用。。
我公司制作的软门帘透明度高 ,能阻隔室内外冷热空
本品广泛应用于超市,车站、酒吧、医院 、食堂、网吧、食品车间、印刷纺织、化工等行业。有多种颜色供大家选择,我们免费上门测量、安装、维修,一条龙服务。
本品安装简单,更换方便,一次投入,长期受益。使用中稍加清洗即可光亮如新 。使用我公司生产的双向活动软门帘您将得到意想不到的效果。 二。 我公司生产的pvc透明水晶软板(软玻璃)广泛应用于各个行业。
厚度:0.23mm、0.5mm、0.6mm、0.8mm、1.0mm、1.2mm 、1.5mm、2.0mm、2.5mm、 3.0mm 、3.5mm 、4.0mm、4.5mm、4.8mm、5.0mm、5.5mm、5.8mm、6.0mm、6.5mm、7.0mm
我 公司是一家专业制作 、安装软门帘和窗帘的公司,公司宗旨客户第一、质量第一。我公司专业生产、销售各种pvc软门帘、透明软门帘、半透明、不透明、软门帘、食品防虫、防尘软门帘、防弧光、防静电软门帘、防紫外线软门帘及各种透明软玻璃,pvc软板、平开软门,pvc百叶窗,铝合金百叶窗,竹百叶窗,实木百叶窗,中空玻璃百叶窗等产品。 贝尔以现代化思想、管理及技术装备、竭诚为广大用户提供一流的产品和服务,并诚愿与广大用户携手共建美好未来。 我公司生产制造的各种软门帘具有透明柔软、隔冷、隔热、隔噪音、净灰尘、驱蚊蝇、防风、防虫、防异味、防火、防腐、防静电、防油烟、防静电、防紫外线等多种功能。本产品可替代风幕,也可与空调配合使用,既延长
软门帘安装简单、更换方便,一次投入长期受益,稍加清洗,即可光亮如新。您可以享受上设计、电话预约、随叫随到及售后服务。 水晶板采用最新pvc软质品,回弹性好,sp级无毒处理,使用安全;表面亚光处理,不滑不涩,挥洒自如;耐高温处理,受热不老化,不易变形;质地轻柔,卷伸自如,清洗容易;超透明设计,透光高洁美如晶;经久耐用,用途广泛.,常用来保护桌面、地板、家具、窗台、制作软门等用途。
my company is a professional production, installation and curtain, curtain soft company, customer first, quality first principle. our company is specialized in producing and selling all kinds of pvc door curtain soft soft, transparent, translucent, and opaque door, food, soft soft curtain insect-resistant, dustproof, arc, anti-static soft soft door curtain, uv and transparent glass, soft soft pvc board, pvc door open soft, shutters, alloy shutter, bamboo blinds, real wood shutter, hollow glass blinds etc. product. bear with modern thinking, management and technology and equipment, and to the masses of users wholeheartedly provide first-class products and service, and sincerely to cooperate with the customers hand in hand to build a better future. my company manufacturing various soft curtain with transparent flexible, cold and heat insulation, noise and dust, flooding and black net insect resistance, wind, smell, fire prevention, anti-corrosion, anti-static, lampblack, anti-static, uv functions. this product can substitute the curtain, also can be used with air conditioning, extend
the life-span of air conditioning, energy saving, consumption reduction, and give you send to warm, pure and fresh and elegant environment. is the current international recognized the best isolation facilities.
soft curtain is widely applied in industrial, commercial and civil and public buildings and other places. for example: stores, supermarkets, guesthouses, restaurants, canteen, schools, hospitals, bank, post and telecommunications, securities, logistics, etc, especially suitable for freezing, food processing, instrument, printing, textile, chemical industry, etc.
soft curtain, convenient, installation simple change into a long-term benefit, cleaning, if brightness is new. you can enjoy the design, phone booking, on-call and after-sales service. using the latest crystal board, pvc soft elasticres ilience, sp, use safety grade non-toxic, surface polishing processing, don't slip aplomb; no acerbity, high-temperature heat treatment, aging, not changeful form, mild texture, roll out freely, clean easily, ultra pure beauty, pervious to light transparent like crystal, durable, versatility, used to protect desktop, floor, furniture, door window, make soft etc.
soft glass widely used in domestic large and medium-sized cities, each of the enterprises, regular for office and home, taiwan's plane, the use of large in authority, office, building and workshop etc.
shutter of superior performance 1. adjust light, ventilated, at night, can prevent indoor light outdoor, winter can introduce sunshine, make the room becomes bright and warm, the summer sunshine in the shade can assure ventilated and strong, make the room air is fresh and cool
2 to save energy, temperature, indoor warm winter to prevent air flow to the outdoor air heater, promote the efficacy, the summer sun point-blank, covering the shift of air cooling effect of ascension
3 to protect privacy -- through the adjustment of the plain, and from the angle of above or below will stop at the sight. if the line of sight, should put into the plain, if indoor convex on one side of the eye, stop.
4 sound insulation, uv, compared with common curtain, the sound insulation performance increase shutters 70 % above, in sorching summer, can block 95 % above of ultraviolet ray.
5. beautiful concise, vogue, follow the european style for hundreds of years, shutters on all outfit in decorate with incomparable beauty and natural broad practicability. it into the modern home for the contemporary and concise, the space of the eye; bring changes the choice of colors more make shutter and household adornment style.
中国 廊坊